Simple and Effective Putting Drill
There is an old saying in golf which I am sure you know and have heard many times
"Drive for show,Putt for dough"
Well that is one golfing term that no player can get away from however good they may be or howeverbad they may be.
In Putting there is definitely always room to improve, so,lets get started.
You first of all need to start practising your putting, and I have come up with a drill which I call.....
Hole em, Hole em, Hole em
Take four golfballs out onto the practice putting green and set them down just 1 foot from the hole, yes just 1 foot from the hole. Now knock them in at speed, don't just trickle them in, make them hit the back of the cup and drop.
Do this 3 times making sure that you hole every single putt.If you miss one putt then you must start from the beginning
Once you have completed 3 sets of 4 putts from a foot, move the balls 2 feet from the hole and repeat the exercise,again knocking them in at speed. Again make them hit the back of the cup and drop. Do this three times making sure that every single putt drops If you miss one you must go back and start from the beginning.
And when I say the beginning, I mean from the one footputts. Yes, you must start from the one foot putts. I know this will get frustrating at times but believe me it is worth it.
Once you have completed 3 sets of 4 putts from two feet,move the balls 4 feet from the hole and repeat the exercise again knocking them in at speed. Again make them hit the back of the cup and drop. Do this three times making sure that every single putt drops. If you miss one, you must go back and start from the beginning.
And when I say the beginning, again I mean from the one footputts. Yes, you must start from the one foot putts. Now you will be tearing your hair out, but trust me, you will get it right and it will improve your putting.
Once you have completed 3 sets of 4 putts from four feet, move the balls 8 feet from the hole and repeat the exercise again knocking them in at speed. Again make them hit the back of the cup and drop Do this three times making sure that every single putt drops. If you miss one, well you know what to do now, go back to the beginning and start again.
I’ll tell you something It took me six two hour sessions to go through the whole series of one foot,two foot, four foot and eight foot putts before I did it.
Let me know how you get on with this one,I’ll even set up a league table of the top ten quickest golfers and put it on the blog.
Get practising and enjoy your golf