Big Golf Buddy

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Saturday, May 20, 2006

Sod the Golf, Let's watch the Rugby

Everybody who knows golf knows Darren Clarke, and everybody who knows Darren Clarke knows what a down to earth guy he is.

Clarke is currently going through a tough time with his golf due to the fact that his wife is still very seriously ill and of course that is forgiveable.

However, today at the final hole of the third round of the Irish Open, Clarke missed a short putt for birdie which would have given him a share of the lead. Instead of concentrating on the putt he was watching the giant television screen as Munster were playing out the final of the Heineken Cup (The Biggest Rugby Competition in Europe)

What makes this so great is that it just goes to show how much Darren cares about golf and sport, but particularly Irish sport.

All the best to Darren as well as Thomas Bjorn and Paul Casey in the final round tomorrow

To see all the latest news from The Irish Open pop over to
